Това е нещо, което си заслужава да се запази и да се поглежда от време на време :)
A ccept your realityB e present. Be bold.C reate something exciting.D rink plenty of water. Dance.E xercise daily. Eat fresh foods.F eel your emotions. Face fear.G o outside and observe nature. Give.H ug often. Help others.I gnite your passions.J ump through your comfort zone.K iss passionately. Keep looking forward.L augh. Love. Learn to let go.M editate daily. Make goals.N ever give up what you want.O wn a pet. Observe beauty.P aint. Play an instrument.Q uit a bad habit. Quiet your mind.R ead. Relax. Reinvent yourself.S mile. Sleep. Simplify.T ake power naps. Talk wisely.U nleash your strengths.V ent. Visualize your dreams.W alk. Write. Watch the sun set.X erox your smiling face.Y ell less. Yield to your thoughts.Z ap negativity.
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